(name that song title!! make a comment with the answer! impress me)
So... back to life, back to reality.... and no, that's not the same song! School is in, and you would think routine was getting down. Not entirely. But hopefully eventually. (haha, what a horrible sentence) Porter started swim practice, which is 4 days a week at 6am-7am. Luckily, Thomas has agreed to take him, and since practice is at the YMCA, he will work out while Porter is swimming. A bit of a win win, in my book. But it does cause for a mad dash when they get home at 7, and I need him to shower, eat and get ready in a matter of minutes in order to beat the beginning of school traffic madness. It is madness. I don't exaggerate. If you leave just 5 minutes later then you normally do, it can tack on an extra 15 minutes to your whole school drop off experience. And people get crazy. Pull desperate stunts. And people have phones, and film it, and post it on the city's facebook page, and show the person's license plate. And when the person gets caught the next morning, celebratory photos are also posted on said facebook page! Hahaha, it is madness. (And No, it wasn't me pulling the desperate stunt.... I sit patiently in my car, cursing out loud how ridiculous the traffic is, in my own passive aggressive way. And don't you dare think I am going to let the joker get a head of me, yeah the one that 'accidentally' didn't get in the right line and is desperate with their blinker. It's a dog eat dog world in car rider line)
Porter earned one of the Coach's award for the summer swim team this year! Such an honor!! Way to Go P! |

Addie turned 7!!! I wish these kiddos would slow down on the whole growing up thing!! Sheesh! We had a great and fun swim party for her and all her friends! She got totally spoiled!
Ellie turned 15 months! She is crawling like a boss. Pulling up like a champ! Standing and balancing like a rock star! And she recently stood up on her own without pulling herself up!!! Walking it on the horizon. She mostly just says "baba" for her bottle. We are finally off all formula and she drinks whole milk! woot woot! She likes to eat and try everything. But if you put it in her mouth, she will spit it out, look at it, and then try it for herself.... very independent! She likes to pretend everything is a phone. She puts it to her ear and says "hi Dada" She sure loves Daddy! I wish she would say Mama, as much as she says Dada. But, I know she loves me best! ha! We finally got her to love the child watch room at the gym! That's a huge deal! I hate dropping a kid of screaming anywhere. So her going willingly and having fun, makes me very happy! Everything still goes into her mouth. Her favorite thing to do is attempt to eat any receipt I get from the store, rips it up and tries to eat it if I don't stop her!
We are all super busy, it is hard to slow down to keep notes! But I am doing my best!!
Addie got a new mountain bike. Except she is scared to ride it, so hopefully one day it will get some use! |
I love to see her sleeping! |
The big 7!!! |
Almost got one with everyone happy! ha |
Drunk on frosting! ;) |
Cute Afton! Ellie's bff! |
Present opening! |
OH, and this girl turned 15 months on the same day Addie turned 7! |
Addie got chalk hair stuff for her birthday, pretty hip! |
This is always a fun Sunday morning.... |
to wake up to sweet smiles.....and.... |
poop! |
Lots of poop!! |
Even on her face.... probably in her mouth *dry heave* |
It was seriously EVERYWHERE!! I feel like I can still smell it, just thinking about it! |
So a really sad thing happened! The Kelley's moved to Utah!! Our Kelley's! Thomas's sister just took her family and they left! We just bought the house down the street and whamo, they go and head off to Utah. I am excited for their new adventure, jealous where they went..... and still kind of mad that they left us!! |
First day of 1st Grade! |
First Day of 7th Grade!!! |
Addie and her teacher! |
No kicking and screaming..... so far! whew! |
I have a kid in Jr High?! |
My school kids! |
This is a great shirt for the boys in Jr High, but I still am not sure if I was in Jr high if I would really appreciate this shirt and where the hands are?! |
Porter at Meet the Arrows! He is so excited to be on the High School swim team!
She fell asleep in my lap... which hardly happens, but it was so cute |
Everyone needs friends that they can eat messy wings with!! hahah! They will kill me if they see this! |
Ellie is really into yoga now.... |
Her downward dog is impressive |
eclipse!!!!? |
This girl<3 |