Let's just get right to it!
It's been an interesting few weeks. First, Ellie has been having these weird poops, **warning, pictures below**, **warning, graphic descriptions of poop ahead**, they have been pale yellow and creamy, a lot of times with un-digested food, or paper! (She is always trying to eat paper, tissues and receipts) I thought maybe it was just introducing cow's milk fully and being done with formula. It just bothered me that it was lasting a few weeks. And I am super paranoid. She was premature and so I am always waiting for the bottom to drop out, which I really really need to stop! But, I was paranoid about poop issues with Addie, so I got this poop thing! ha. Well, if you start worrying about poop and googling it, you will get yourself into total hysteria and worry. You will start assuming she has celiac disease or a blocked bile duct in her liver. And that will require a whole life style change for the family or it will require surgery. Both of which are NOT the end of the world, and so many other people have harder things in their life. But I worry and worry. And when she poops in the night, which she usually doesn't, that worries me. So, over the labor day weekend I had too many nights where I woke up, got to thinking and googling about it and losing a lot of sleep over it. So, then I get drastic! First, I do know she was drinking too much milk. Whole milk is delicious, and she whole heartedly agreed! I am sure her formula was nothing in comparison. Whenever she was upset, she would say baba, baba, baba, wanting the comfort and the taste. And she wasn't really wanting foods, just milk. So, I thought, maybe all the yellow is from all this milk. So, Sunday, I cut back the milk.... she wasn't happy about it, but I watered it down and offered water. Then I thought, well maybe it is lactose intolerance?! And me watering down the milk still isn't helping. So Monday I switched her to almond milk.... which she tolerated. She gagged a little before drinking it, but would drink it. And I incorporated juice, and really make meal time a time for her to eat and not just graze. Still no change in her poop, after 48 hours. I called the nurse and she said if it doesn't change after my almond milk attempt, bring her in. So, today, luckily she provided a nice stool sample, to over flowing, and I took her into the doctor. She hasn't lost any weight, and she has no other symptoms. He thought it could be a virus or some strand of bacteria. They are going to do a stool culture, and we should know the results in 24 hours. He didn't feel a need to do a blood test, because of her lack of symptoms. I am just a paranoid MOM!!! ACK! But, for me, it is worth the stool culture, whatever that might cost! yikes! And the peace of mind that I took her in and feel a little relief. I need to stay off google when I am worried! But then, she also grew a mole on her leg, like overnight! A big mole. I had thought it was a bug bite that she had irritated by scratching, but when I looked closer, I realized it is a mole. The doctor looked at it and said it wasn't raised, so it was ok. I am just a little hormonal at this particular time of the month, I have stress and hormonal zits on my face and I have acquired a cold..... all this combination probably isn't helping my paranoia, probably a result of it! But I do feel relieved that it is probably nothing. But tomorrow I will find out the results of the stool culture. This girl! I love her, and I just want her to be healthy and strong and happy ! She just turned 16 months on the 4th, and is currently weighing 27 pounds!
Ellie and her Selfies |
This girl is always ready to work out |
1st High School swim meet of the year |
Ellie's weird poop. Deviled eggs anyone?! |
Just Growing moles! |
For a little humor that made me smile. I was picking Porter up from school, and him and his friend had decided they wanted to try out for the High School tennis team. Porter's math teacher is the coach, and the coach is also friends with Thomas's cousin.... not that has any bearing on Porter's tennis abilities. But, I said great, go on and try out. Then they mentioned the try outs were in 30 minutes. Oh! Ok, let's get you over there. I knew Porter's friend had played tennis some, his family does. But as for Porter, I really got to wondering, so I asked. "Porter, have you ever played tennis before" He looked at me, real confident, and said "Yeah, on Wii Sports". I seriously laughed out loud! Alright, I am excited to see how his limited training on wii sports would help him in this try out!! Hahahhahah!! I had to drop them off, and then go drop off another child home. When I got back to the high school, i was able to watch Porter trying out. And, you could imagine he was playing about as good as someone who had only ever played tennis on wii sports. But I will give it too him, he was brave enough to go try out! Overcoming fears! Ha! We find out Friday if he made it!? He might just need to stick to swimming! THere were only 3 7th graders trying out, so who knows?! It might make for an even better story if he makes it! But it causes you to worry about that generation!! "What possessed you to fly that plane son?!?" "Oh, I fly a plane all the time in video games!" haha! oh my goodness!!
Other news, we are working on the house a lot! I haven't really updated the other blog....shocker! Since I struggle keeping this one updated monthly! But the addition is built and ready to be bricked! It is nice to finally be putting the house back together! It'll be pretty amazing, if we ever finish! haha!
Addie is going good, loving first grade! Thank HEavens! No meltdowns going to school! Hallelujah! We are looking for an activity for her to do, I am thinking she might like some kind of martial arts?!? It is worth a shot. I really think she would enjoy cheer-leading, but she is so hot and cold with wanting to perform, so we will see!
Well there is our update! See you next month... I hope!