Ahhh, Thanksgiving, the time of year to really think about what you are grateful for, to shop with half the state, and to eat too much! America! Haha! I really do love Thanksgiving, it is a nice prelude to Christmas. But really does has it's own specialness. I have so many things to be grateful for, I really do. And that is not to say that my life is all roses and going exactly perfectly, but truly, I am richly blessed with many important things.
Family.... I was not only born into a family that has created, by far, some of the most important people in my life, and amazing people.... who also married some amazing (for the most part, haha, then divorced) people too, and further more created more amazing people. I am so lucky, and so blessed to come from such an incredible family, that despite all the craziness that went down, and all sorts of odds against us, we still are close and love and need each other so much. My siblings understand me and how and why I tick the way I do, because their ticks are similar (haha). They each bring so much to our family, that I am so grateful my Mom was willing to have 8 of us, I truly don't know what I would do without any of them. And I have amazing parents, and step parents. Yes, my parents divorced, and that was hard. But, there is no "sides" to it. They put their differences to the side, and we all meet in the middle. Whenever I come into town, and we get together... we all get together, my Mom and StepDad, My Dad and StepMom all in the same house, talking, laughing, enjoying time together. And it is for real! We are a family, and time can't be wasted on unnecessary division, time must be celebrated, and I am so glad we are able to do it all together!
I also married into an incredible family. Thinking back on falling in love with Thomas, we met in October, started dating in November, were engaged in February and married by May. I mean, come on, did I really know what I was getting into?! We were in love, yes, but do you know a person!?! Hahaha! Thank goodness we included the Lord in our decision to get married! And I am beyond blessed by the family I married into! And yes, I believe I was very lucky too! I can honestly say I love my in-laws, I really do... heck I am moving next door to them! And I know not everyone can honestly say or do that! And even though we may have to move in with them for a week or two, when we are in between houses, that's ok, I think we will all survive. I know my kids will love it!
I am grateful for my husband, Thomas. He works so hard for our family. It has been amazing to see him run his business, all the while, remodeling a house all at the same time. He has been blessed with the best business partner, his cousin Brian, and great employees to help him. The summer was rough for a dirt business, with all the rain. But they have held on and worked their tails off. It is amazing how far they have come. Thomas is a jack of all trades, and I think sometimes I don't appreciate that enough. But, he can literally do it all! Fix things, build things, design things. I hate to admit this as a woman, but he definitely has a better eye for design, and seeing the bigger picture of the house remodel. However, I trust all his decisions he has made, of course he made with consent. I am grateful to be married to a man who really loves and cherishes me. Who helps with the dishes, even though he had been painting for hours. He takes time out of his day to call or text me to see how I am doing. He is very attentive to me, and I am very grateful for that. He is very open about his feelings, and great at communicating.... I think he wishes I was the same! Ha! But, he is very patient with me too! And he is really tall and handsome, that's a great bonus too! I am deeply lucky and greatly blessed, that the Lord saw fit for Thomas and I to cross paths and fall in love. He has made me a better person. He is a wise and loving father, the kids always love to spend time with him. And he is a very loving and devoted husband. Life isn't easy and it isn't perfect, but I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else!
I have amazing kids. Each one brings added light to my life and to this world. I am so grateful to be blessed with 3 special spirits on this earth, who are so different, and teach me, oh so many things. It is really amazing to me that Heavenly Father was willing to allow such incredible people into my life, and I get to call them my children as well. I have been doing a lot of packing lately. I just sold our bedroom furniture, and my little box I keep on my nightstand, I opened it tonight, it had been awhile. There inside, the old pregnancy test, the ultrasound picture, my hospital armband, and a poem. I got emotional, thinking about that little baby, so tiny that I never felt him, even when he left too soon... but the promise that I will be reunited with him some day. My heart still hurts, I still find some tears from time to time for that loss. But then I also think about that really was the beginning of a special journey. That sweet little life, though I ache to know what he looked like, what we would have named him, what his voice would sound like, what color his hair might be, if he would look more like me or Thomas, what kind of movies he would like, if he would be shy, if he would play sports, if he would have some talent we don't know where on earth he got it.... so many wonders about that little man. But then I wonder, if his journey was to be a sacrifice. To help me understand that this body of mine wasn't going to make any more babies, because the baby we needed, would be made by another. A selfless individual, willing to part with such an special little baby, that I held in my heart, she held in her belly, and placed into my arms. And there lies another person, who is a part of our family too, that I am forever grateful for. And to whom I can never fully express the gratitude and love I feel for her. Her sacrifice as well, has changed my whole life. I think of her so often, I pray for her always. Our precious Ellie, such a gift to everyone who meets her. Ah, so much to be completely humbled, completely in awe of a loving Heavenly Father, who despite all my faults and follies, he continues to bless me and my family with so much. It hasn't been a smooth journey, not in the slightest, but it has been a beautiful one so far, lined with miracles and generous love.
There really is so much to be thankful for, sometimes we just need to open our eyes and see it, and remember to be grateful to the loving Father in Heaven who gave it to us.
These two! They have such an special bond. I mean, he lets her play with his legos, if that isn't love, I don't know what it! Ha! |
Ellie in nursery. She hasn't quite handled the whole two hours, but we are getting there. Doesn't help that church is during nap time! You couldn't tell from the picture though! |
um, I think Santa lucked out on Addie's Christmas list this year?! |
Addie's first grade school picture! |
She was determined.... |
...to get through... |
....the tunnel! |
I love this picture of Ellie peeking through the tunnel at the park! |
Swinging.... and her boots are still on folks! |
She was brave enough to go down the slide by herself... a few hundred times! Little Daredevil! She did have very supportive and cautious siblings making sure she was safe at the top and caught at the bottom!!
I took the big kids to the movies. We tried to go with our friends, but we are arrived at different times, not really realizing that our theater now had assigned seats. We were sad that the show sold out after we bought our tickets, had we known that, we would have bought the tickets for our friends to be by us. Especially since when we found our seats we realized they were leather seats that reclined!! We had a great time, but it would have been so fun with all our friends around.... hindsight, buy tickets the night before!! |
Over Thanksgiving break, we decided this boy needed a haircut! |
Thanksgiving 2017. |
Life's been so busy, I had my sweet sister-in-law, Kim, snap a few pictures of us, just in case we could use one for our Christmas card! This one will do, until Grandma Sally comes into town and can take a bunch more pictures of us! |