You have been eating like a champ. You drank the whole bottle for me. It is 60 mL of formula, plus the TBSP of pulverized rice cereal, which makes it 75 mL. Very impressive. You do have eating going for you, and that is a huge deal!
Porter's 11th Birthday!!!! Happy Birthday P-Diddy! He had a big day! Got a new bike for his birthday. An awesome hammock tent from Grandma Sally! He had a party with his friends, they went bowling and to the Jump Zone, had a little fight, made up... boy stuff. Tomorrow we will go out to eat with the family, he pick Mama Hamil's. He is a great boy, and will be a great big brother to you Ellie!!
Gotta love his swim hairstyle! |
Strike!!! |
Addie would love to have had you there to hang out with,
she was the only girl there! |
These were taken on Daddy's phone, they didn't transfer well. |
I was able to cut out a few hours to come see you. Porter and Addie went over to the babysitter's house and had a big time. They even made him a cake, that was super sweet of them!
You were super gassy, like you have a mini machine gun firing in your pants. You were tooting so hard that you dropped your SATs. Maybe if they would treat your gas you would be a new girl?!!

You looked very very adorable today, your shirt even agreed. I can't believe how much you gained overnight!?

That rice cereal must be kicking in and helping you gain. Soon enough you won't fit any of your preemie clothes, and you haven't even worn them all yet!! The nurse said you had done really good, didn't really have any spells. She mentioned they might attempt to take you off oxygen tomorrow. When I got there, your cannula was in only one nostril and you were SATing fine. It was all crooked, so it didn't want to stay in when I tried to adjust it. I held you with it for quite a while, watching your SATs, they didn't seem to drop. I don't really think you
need it, but when you have your spells, they like it to be there. And they don't want to wear you out again. Which I am glad about, allow you to get your rest and pace it at your speed. The nurse adjusted your cannula and had to take off the old tape on your face. You let out such a sad protest cry, your little lip just puckered out. That hurt! It was cute and precious and sad, all at the same time to hear you cry. You aren't a big cryer, you only cry when they hurt you with tape, or a heel stick. They say your cry when you are hungry, but I haven't heard that yet. Mostly I hear your little grunts and moaning hums when you are tooting and your hiccups! You ate your whole bottle, 75 mL. You are great at eating and pooping! And that, my girl, is a victory. Not all babies are doing that much!
As I held you today, I felt you inhaling and exhaling. That is a victory too. It is so good to feel life inside of you. To hear your noises, whatever end they come out of! It is good to know that you are here, that you are alive! We have come so far! You were very alert today. And very patient when I changed you out of your clothes, it is very tricky you know! All in all, today was a good day. And we both needed one of those!
It's the only bow that fits you just right and it is adorable, so it may be repeated again! |
And! I finished painting and distressing your changing table today! This is a big deal, since I am pretty much the anti-craft! Your crib is almost done and it will match! Your room is almost done!
Before |
After |
July 1, 2016 Weight 2.545 Kg ( 5lbs 9.5 oz)
A little drop in your weight, but not much, they did say you had a huge poop last night that could have accounted for that.

You looked great today! Growing so big. You look fuller and fuller every day, you have come a long way!
Today I was able to give you a bath. This, I believe, is your second bath. One bath a month, not bad! :) The nurse assisted, bathing in a small bassinet is kind of tricky! Afterwards, I fed you. The NP came over to discuss another blood transfusion. They said your hematocrit levels are low, they gave me a number, maybe 22 or 24? Anyway, that is low. They are thinking that maybe this boost of blood, won't necessarily make the a & b spells stop, but to help you have more energy, and maybe ultimately that will help your spells. So they ordered a blood transfusion. I hate the name blood transfusion, sounds so serious. I like to say, "they are giving you a little blood", sounds less serious to me! Ha.

I decided to stay with you while they gave you the IV. I figured you would want some moral support, I know I would! They used a doppler to find your vein. They had your arm pulled out straight and your head was turned. I put your binky in your mouth and would squirt some sugar water into your mouth as a distraction. It reminded me of the time I did that for your big brother, when he was 2 weeks old and had his circumcision.
That, was sad. I continued to drip the sugar water, and you only let out one little yelp, and just sucked a little furiously on the binky. What a warrior. They are giving you a total of 50 cc of blood, super hero blood of course O-, they will give you 25 cc over a 2 hour period, and then rest 2 hours, and give you the rest over another 2 hours. To make sure you tolerate it well. They were going to give your nutrition through the IV, instead of the bottle. But I worried you would feel like you were being starved, since you do like that milk! Then they realized you were over 34 weeks, uh c'mon now, and that you could feed through on the bottle. What kind of side show are they running?!?!? Jk! I am sure they would have caught that. But good thing your Mama was there to fight for that bottle for you!
You Addie |
So far you have tolerated the blood well. You are currently, as I type, finishing up your second round of blood. Maybe it will do the trick. The nurse on the phone mentioned you hadn't had any spells. So maybe this is the start of your journey to home! I better hurry on that crib!!! I sent pictures to the family, and they think you look like Addie so much, this is what Aunty Cait sent: You are on the left and Addie on the right. You are so familiar!
As soon as I knew you were ok, I had to leave. You are still as gassy as ever, but that must be spiritually genetic! You are so sweet and such a good baby. Of course I know that could change. But you do your best to be content. You love to eat, but when I take the bottle away to burp you, you don't fuss, you seem grateful for whatever you get! I have noticed something too, Miss Ellie! I think you may have a very tiny pin point dimple!! I haven't been able to capture it in a picture. But I will try to describe where it is. It is to the right of your lower lip, not too far past. It is teeny, and cute!! Miss Addie was born with her dimple by her right eye. They must have branded you two in heaven!! I have the most precious girls around! And one awesome 11 year old boy! Love you El!
July 2, 2016 Weight 2.640 Kg ( 5lbs 12.9 oz)

Today is Saturday, it always makes it tricky to come to the hospital. Daddy's back has been giving him trouble and decided to seize up today, so he was out for the day. I finally finished your crib, well, at least the painting, distressing and finishing! Just need to let it dry for 24 hours and then put it together! That is really the last thing that needs to be done for the nursery, well, maybe a few decorations left to hang. But, it's ready for your girl! So you can come on home!

You are still holding onto that high flow oxygen. Although today, your cannulas were out of your nose and you were doing just fine! That blood must have helped perk you up! Maybe it will be the boost you need, I am hoping so! I called this morning to check on you and they said you had a good night and a good morning. They are getting ready to give you your 2 month old immunizations, so they will probably leave the oxygen until then and maybe try to wean you off it.

You looked much more pink today when I saw you, your coloring was good. They had changed your feeds to 8 instead of 9, I was glad I made it right in time to feed you. You are doing very well. It is nice to get to hold you whenever I like, and however long I like! You make the cutest and funniest noises, I took some videos! One let's you here all the funny moany grunts you make. And I caught a little gas on the other. Sorry, my phone was acting up and filmed one upside down! Ha! Love you angel, you will be home soon, I just know it!
Just a working on that binky!
July 3, 2016 Weight 2.655 Kg (5 lbs 13.4 oz)
It is Sunday, and so many people were fasting in your behalf! It is so humbling and wonderful that so many people care about you and our family. I feel like it will help. Daddy hurt his back, so he wasn't able to give you a blessing, but maybe tomorrow he will be back to feeling better!

Meme & Double came to visit you and fed you a bottle. Double (Granddaddy) was impressed by how much you have grown! You are such a cute little chunk!
I called the nurse to check on you, and she mentioned that you would get your immunizations today, your 2 month immunizations! Tomorrow you will be 2 months old! I was hoping you would be able to spend your first 4th of July out of the hospital at home, but no worries! They plan to keep you on your oxygen for a little bit after your immunizations, because it can cause a little more spells. So, we need to be patient the next few days, and understanding that it could be because of the shots, not digression. So I will be patient! I made it to the hospital just after you got your shots, and got to cuddle you. You made a sad face a few times after the shots, but you were tough. You like that sugar water, and it helps to distract you! I fed you and dressed you in one of your fourth of July outfits! It was a little snug! I think you might be graduating into Newborn clothes! Wahoo! You are doing well! I am so excited... This month you better be coming home! I am thinking maybe 2 more weeks!? Feels like that seems to be always what I say! Ha! But here's hoping!
Isn't it adorable??! |
You are so cute! |
I love the booty on your pants! |
July 4, 2016 Weight 2.670 Kg ( 5lbs 13.9 oz)
You are
2 months old!! Can you believe it??! My big girl!

Not only are you two months old, it is also the 4th of July! So we made sure to deck you out in some darling clothes, brought to you by Aunt Kim! "My First 4th of July!" I was hoping your first 4th of July you would be home already, but not quite! I was happy you fit into it, it is a NB outfit. You preemie stuff is getting kind of snug on you! Miss "Almost 6 lbs"!!! You are getting big so fast!
Another exciting thing...... I finished your crib today!! It was a long time coming... but now you have a bed, all ready for you, so start breathing room air girl, and come home!

I came in to see you today and got you all dressed up. You ate like your usual awesome self. And they decided to change you over to low flow oxygen. The nurse attempted just room air, but you didn't quite go for it. So, they took a baby step down into the low flow oxygen. I called and checked several hours later, and you were still doing pretty well on the low flow. We will see how your night goes. I just hope they didn't jump the gun, putting you on low flow. At least they could have waited a full day or two after your immunizations to do it. They just like to push and push you! They are ready to kick you out of the nest, time to fly sister! Daddy's back is still hurting him, so we went to a movie as a family, it was something we could do together! Come to think of it, movie days might be a thing of the past for a while, until you get to be a bigger girl! I better see all the ones I want to while I can ;) Ha! That's what red box is for! We are waaay ok with sacrificing things for you, for sure!!
We ate some fried chicken at Meme & Double's house. Porter wanted to stay and play with his cousins and Daddy. Addie and I went to the fire works at Traceway park with friends.
Star Braids |
Cute face painting by Brit |
We will just plan for sure you will be home for Halloween, that's the next big holiday! Hopefully not far from today! 2 months girl, and eternity left!
Look how cute you look! |
Love your stink eye! |

July 5, 2016 Weight 2.720 Kg ( 5 lbs 15.7 oz)
Just look how close you are to 6 lbs! You wanted to wait until you were nine weeks old to be 6 lbs, right?! Haha!
I was glad to see that you were still on the low flow oxygen! That is a success. The NP talked to me and mentioned that they do send babies home on low flow oxygen if they need to. So, that is one step closer to discharge. You did have an apnea spell yesterday, when they switched you to the low flow, which isn't totally unexpected. But you haven't had one since. So, maybe your count down begins? The countdown for 7 days spell free? We shall see!
You ate very well and were very alert when I came. I notice one eye appears a touch lazy, but they is common in newborns, I might just be too sensitive of any possible problem. They are constantly testing you for different things with your eyes, your heart, with whatever. So I think it makes me a little worrisome for things. You are looking more and more like a newborn! You officially weigh more than one of your cousins did when she was born, Lindsay was 5 lbs 14 oz! And she is thriving at 19 years old! Ha! So your chances are awesome!
Today was a good day! I felt positive. I feel like you will be coming home soon! I have your room ready now, you can come home my dear. I will leave a light in the window for you....
Love these little digits! |
<3 |
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