August 3, 2016 Weight 8 lbs 14 oz
I can't promise that I will continue on keeping daily log of Miss Ellie, but I will try to keep blogging about the many changes, challenges and highlights of our family, currently completed by Miss Ellie joining us!
But Ellie is 13 weeks old today! And it is really Day 1 out of the NICU. Day 1 of being home! We were able to, as a family, go to Ellie's first Dr appointment. She did well! It was a first rough night, Miss Ellie makes some many loud grunting sounds when she sleeps, I stayed up most the night. It will be an adjustment, that's for sure. Ellie loves all the extra attention she receives from her brother and sister! They are helpful, sometimes to a fault, but most times I appreciate it!
no filter |

There are so many other things I want to document about our adoption journey, some things just can't be, because they are too sacred, too special and I must respect the wishes of the birth family as well. But there have been mighty miracles and wonders, so much that I would never deny the existence of God and His hand in our lives, in all the details. And though we grow weary of our trials, that doesn't mean he will stop blessing us, we just sometimes need to readjust our focus in tune with His. I have felt his angels bear me up. I noticed something special today. Years ago I planted a peace rose in honor of my Grandma Hiller. I have struggled to take care of it, it seems to be half dead most the time. When I miscarried, I buried that little piece of tissue that came out, by the rose, to have some kind of closure to the loss there. Yesterday during the drive home the hospital I was stressed because I was alone with Ellie, and what if she stopped breathing?! I couldn't really see her or help her as I drove home. But I felt a calm. Like a presence of Gammy and Grandma Hiller and Grandma Lillian. And today, I noticed that the peace rose had bloomed one solitary rose. Maybe that sounds weird or cheesy, but it felt like a little confirmation, that those beyond the veil still reach out to help us, and are supporting us in our trials and our victories, are there to bear us up.

It's going to be an adjustment with a new baby and a bigger family, and me and Thomas being outnumbered. But it has been such a rich blessing with so many intricate details, I am so grateful for my Father in Heaven, and His mighty works and his great love, for someone as imperfect as me.
August 4, 2016

I don't have a scale! But today is a big day! Addie turned 6 years old, she has been waiting her whole life for this birthday (it's a great 'dad' joke). I felt bad we couldn't have a party, so I tried to make sure we had plenty of fun available at home. Whether she had fun was up to her. We started with a scavenger hunt, to find all her presents. I made German pancakes, dyed blue, and the wicked buttermilk syrup was also dyed blue. We filled up her new pool and they played in that for a while. Porter helped her with her new Legos. They had popsicles that we made yesterday. We went through the drive thru for Chick Fil A. We all made the birthday cake. Thomas took Porter and Addie to Build a Bear. We ate the cake when we got home. It was a good day.

Ellie turned 3 months old today too. We are having some rough nights with sleep, mostly just me. I feel like the NICU probably messed up her schedule having constant lights on, only turning them off twice a day for an hour. She sleeps great during the day, which stinks for me, because Addie and Porter are up and at 'em. We will figure it out. Ellie is just so darn grunty and noisy when she stirs, that it is hard for anyone to sleep! We will figure it out soon enough. My Mom comes into town soon, hopefully I will get some naps in then!
August 5, 2016

Last night was a rough night of sleep, oh boy! Hopefully we can turn around this sleep pattern. As she sleeps sweetly before me in the middle of the afternoon! Goodness.

The kids got to go to the pool with a friend. I should really utilize this time for a nap, but instead, I cleaned, rearranged cabinets, worked on my lesson for Sunday, and somehow, got on here to blog. What's the saying? I'll sleep when I'm dead?! I hope that is partly true! I want me some sleep.
I can already see that this blog isn't going to be an everyday thing, life has gotten busy! Newborns are hard! but we are improving everyday!
Happy Birthday ! |
We had a fun weekend, Ellie got to meet more family. We had a party at Meme & Double's house on Sunday, to celebrate Addie's birthday and Kelsey's. We had a super special visitor from out of town, really just a returning friend.....Canaan! Elder Canaan, well, former Elder Canaan, currently Stephen.... but forever I think I will only be able to call him Canaan and he brought his room-mate, Elijah (from New Zealand, cool) to show him the south. It is always good to see Canaan!
Canaan! :) |
Sunday was a little tricky. I don't want to expose Ellie to all the germs that like to live at church amongst small children ;) So Thomas went to Sacrament and I was able to come and teach my lesson for Relief Society. It will be nice when Ellie is big enough to come to church and meet everyone. But I know I need to be extra careful with her.
We are all getting a little cabin fever, being at home, stuck at home. Poor Porter and Addie. Luckily I just bought an antenna, so we can watch the summer Olympics at least, we don't have cable, we usually just watch Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon. It is nice to see live TV.... can't say it is nice to have commercials.
I think we are starting to get a hang of things. I know it will be nice to have Porter and Addie in school, mostly for their sake to get out and be amongst the land of the living. However, I must say, they have been very helpful to me, when I need to shower, go to the bathroom, or work out for a moment. My Mom comes Wednesday, so that will be nice!
All and all, I think we are kind of getting the hang of things. Bottles are really a pain in the booty, so much cleaning and sanitizing. We have been able to successfully latch and breastfeed, almost every feeding I offer her the breast first. I know I don't produce enough to sustain her, but she seems to love it and the bonding is priceless!
I love seeing Ellie in Addie's old outfits!<3 |
Seesters! |
Porter is amazingly good with Ellie, she really loves her brother |
Cousin, Ethan, 6 years difference. Wow he has grown. Holding Addie and now holding Ellie |
I love comparison pictures, obviously! This is Addie and Ellie, exactly 6 years apart, in the same dress! |
Look at the chubby chin |
Ellie loves to be snuggled! |
Another fav outfit from big sis! |
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