Today we went to Batson for Ellie's follow up visit for being a high risk newborn. We did the PT stuff first. They perform the Bayley test, where they check different motor skills, to make sure she is meeting her milestones. A lot of the tests looks really silly. But, there is a method to it all. Last time she took the test she was labeled "Emergent", and now she is labeled as competent! So, that is progress. She was a little shy of the lady, always looking at me or reaching for me, like I was going to leave her there. She wouldn't take anything from the lady's hands, you see, teaching her right, don't take anything from a stranger! Haha. So, most times I would put the item she was supposed to grab in my hand, and she would take it from me. Ellie was a little unsure about it all, but warmed up eventually. She is lacking a little in her communication skills, but I am really not worried. She makes a lot of pterodactyl noises, so I know she is getting there! She understands some words, like bottle! And Mama, I think!
Next we got to talk to the doctor and the dietician. They knew my question, could we finally get her off the high calorie formula. They both hesitated, but looking at her growth, and that most preemies don't quite grow that big that fast, and that she isn't taking in more than she needs in formula, they agreed we could wean her off of it. I am going to slowly do it, so she doesn't have too much gas with it. She weighs 24 lbs 1 oz today, and she is 2'4" tall. She currently is wearing some size 2 T clothes. She can squeeze into a size 12, 18 mo is good in a onesie and dress. But 2 T covers her belly the best! You can't help but love all her precious chub, this little miracle baby has come a long way and has earned it!
We see them again in July, and then in a year after that, we see the specialist of specialists, that will check to make sure she is all caught up. They say a preemie should be mostly completely caught up by their 2 year adjusted age mark. So, only a few more appts with the hospital and we should be home free. It is always humbling to go up to Batson Children's hospital, and to see so many kids with so many problems. I really count my blessings of how perfect Ellie is. She really doesn't have any abnormalities or problems. Looking at her you would never guess how things started with her, you would never guess she was a preemie. It is amazing how far she has come! She will be 11 months on April 4th, I can't believe it! We are almost to a year! It has crawled and flown by at the same time. I will say it is nice to go to the Children's hospital and leave with your baby!
Oh, and Ellie cut one of her top front teeth this week! And it looks like the other one is trying the make it's way through! I am looking forward to a 4 tooth grin!!
Here are a few pics of our happenings!
I love dressing Ellie is Addie's old clothes and putting it side by side! Sweet sisters! |
A lot of food pictures approaching! I threw out my back, and took the week off from the gym, and had a cooking binge! |
German pancakes, GREEN German pancakes for St. Patrick's day! |
A trip to the zoo with the crew! |
Addie at the zoo |
Addie and Grant! |
Ellie loves to be outside and pick the grass |
St. Patrick's Day dinner, spinach ravioli 2 ways, green alfredo and pesto! |
Sporting one of her first little sprout pony tails |
About to roast vegetables |
Family Home Evening Success! The Armor of God, Uno, and free ice cream at Dairy Queen!! |
The flowers can be tasty |
Sweet Goose! For some reason, she has picked up the nickname Goose! |
High chair with a sucker! Yummy! |
Holding a bottle for the first time! |
At the park with friends |
We are at the Eli Manning Clinic at Batson, for her follow up |
Aww, sweet friends!!! |
Elam, Ellie's best friend cousin! |