Thursday, March 16, 2017

Spring Break ...

Spring break is supposed to be about fun, and joy and vacations, right?  Not this time for us!
Sisters in the Tub!
First Thomas got some weird stomach virus that started Sunday, here it is Wednesday, and he still isn't 100% back to normal, poor guy. But he has forced himself to work the past two days.  Then Monday morning, I was taking the kids to the library, to keep the house quiet for Thomas to get some rest.  Well, when we got there, I reached into the glove box to look for something, and suddenly my back started to seize up, like I threw it out or something.  I tried to shake it off, hoping it would disappear.  We found a spot in the library and I tried to stretch it out.  I made plans to take the kids to see the Lego Batman movie that night.  My back got progressively worse, but I tried to tough it out at the movies.  Sitting wasn't bad.  The next day it was bad, and today it is bad.  I had a steroid dose pack called in, and started it today, so hopefully it will kick this pain right out of my back.  So, I feel really bad, the kid's have had a zero fun spring break, thus far.  We had toyed with the idea of going to visit Thomas's brother down in Florida for a long weekend. We were planning to leave tomorrow. That is not looking like it is going to happen.  I feel so bad!  I am a totally active person, I teach my HiiT class everyday.  My back shouldn't do this stuff!  And for it to happen just with a weird reach into the glove box!  I am super frustrated, and had to cancel all my classes for the week.  I hope to be improved significantly by tomorrow, fingers doubly crossed!  And maybe we can hit up the zoo, or museum, or some parks.  The weather has been pretty chilly, so we might not have been able to be outside anyway??  I still feel guilty.  I know they are bored!  And I would invite friends over for them, but I am just not sure I can handle all the clean up I would have to do afterwards!  Thomas is going to take them to the bowling alley tonight, so that will be good.
Well, in other news, we went to the Pediatiric GI doctor for Ellie, for a follow up.  She has officially been discharged from them!  YAY!  That is 2 specialists that we no longer have to see! (cardiology was the other)  I love those check marks!  Ellie is doing great. Up to 23 lbs 4 oz!  She also had her last synagis shots this month.  Those are to help combat RSV.  I still feel like her lungs are a little weak, because her allergies always lead her to a lingering cough.  Seems like it happens at least once a month.  But for the most part, she is a healthy little girl!  She is very vocal, and yells and coos and makes all manner of precious noises.  She can kind of clap, kind of! ha, I am not sure she is totally meaning to, but it looks like it!

I wonder what she dreams about...

Eating lunch at school with big sister

Edamame was a hit!

Tried our hand at macaroons. Turned out pretty good for our first attempt!  Porter has been wanting us to buy the frozen ones at Sam's forever, but I just can't want to spend $18 on a pack of cookies that would be eaten all up in one sitting.  So while you have a thrown out back, and it's spring break, and it's cold out, you need something to do!  We made a lot of mistakes, like try to make almond flour out of raw almonds... you grind that up, you got almond butter. But, if you blanche the almond, peel off the skin, then grind it, you have almond flour. Tedious.  Then if you want a meringue to work you need room temperature egg whites.  Porter had a brilliant idea to put the cold eggs, in a bottle, in water, and put it in the bottle warmer.  Worked like a charm!  Then we traced circles on the parchment paper.  We colored them with blue dye, but they came out a green color.  The filling we made up.... whipped cream, butter, cream cheese and lots of powdered sugar, we added nutella to half the filling.  So you know, I get why the macaroons are so pricey.  Sure, there is almond flour at the store, but I wasn't about to get out.  They are yummy, and look like they should. I was very surprised! Not sure I will make them again any time soon, but that is one big check mark!  Been watching a lot of the Great British baking show, and we awarded ourselves star baker for our macaroons!

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