Things have been busy! Nights have been rough, lately. Perhaps Ellie is cutting her incisors, but we have had some rough tearful nights lately. Currently it is 2:49 am, I checked on her, she's fine, just awake and fussing. I gave her some Tylenol, in hopes that will help. But lately that has been the trend. I have read so many books to not get babies out of bed, and let them cry it out, that they will put themselves back to sleep, self soothe... and that it should only take a few nights for them to understand that it is bed time and not time to wake up. Well, Ellie must have missed that memo! I sure hope that it is just her teeth cutting and that she will get over this soon. I will admit, I was part of the problem. If she would fuss, I would give her a bottle, and both her and I went back to sleep. But that was a bad habit, that needed to be cut. I just love for her to be happy and asleep, and that was easy insurance.... until one night I gave her a bottle, and she drank it down, and then kept on. The lovely part is we share a wall, her bed is next to the wall that our bed is next to.... so there is no real ignoring it. She puts up a good protest. It seemed like we had finally had it figured out and for the past week if she woke up, it would only be a few hollers in the air and then back to sleep. But then there is tonight?! The worry is too, I have a little weekend trip planned, is it going to mess everything up with the sleeping progress.... if I can say there is progress... last night I would have said yes, we have made progress, yet here we are! Ugh! But really, enough of this rant! Ha! It is just my current circumstance and I don't usually blog this time of day, so my mind flow is a little focused on the fuss.
But! we do have some news....... Ellie took her first steps! September 28 she took her first steps. Now I can't say she has taken many more since then, I think she just liked the check mark, and has decided it isn't for her! Ha! But we keep pushing her and encouraging her to do it. Ellie was good about it, all of us were there in the kitchen when she did it, and with as much hooting and hollering and cheering we did, you would have thought she had flown to the moon and back. But all our cheering must have swiftly been erased from her memory. I just have to realize her personality is, if I want to do it, I will.... don't push me. In my life, you would think by now I would have learned some amount of patience.... but darn it, I apparently haven't learned enough of it. ( She hasn't made a peep for the last 5 minutes, maybe I can return to bed!!!!?) But really, there is no big hurry. She is making progress, every day she is moving and strengthening her body. When she is good and ready, she will just get up and start walking, and I am good with that. She is also babbling more, trying to talk. The best is when we have prayer, whenever and where ever, she recognizes a prayer. She will look all around and each person, seeing their heads bowed and eyes closed, and she sometimes tries to see if we will break out of it with a little holler, or usually has something to say about it at the end, her own little 'amen'. It is adorable. (still no peep, I really ought to go back to bed).

These two! <3 |
I love Addie's writings! They are so adorable |
When you find a book he just can't put down! |
and oh hey, I am standing mom, look at me! |
Our dear Sister Duncan passed away. Addie drew this during the funeral. She was a wonderful pianist and played for the primary children. The primary children sang "I'm Trying to be Like Jesus", it was precious. |
At a baptism, looking adorable, and Ellie looks super cute too! ha! |
Ellie likes to help with the piano during Relief Society |
I hope it doesn't bother anyone else, because I think it is adorable. But maybe I am "that Mom" that is flabbergasting people! Ha! |
Our new house is coming along. The new house blog.... not so much! |
The addition |
Addie made this sign for the girl's room! |
Her hair is pretty darn long, but the length is hidden in her curls! |
"I had a rough night" One morning she woke up and she had taken all her clothes off at some point during the night?! I didn't know she knew how to do that! We have stuck to the zippered pjs since! |
And now we have a series of pictures, of an unfortunate event! The butt paste saga. I was in a rush, you know how it goes, get everything ready and in the car, sparing only a moment to be at the place you need to be. I called down the hall, Ellie was being a little quiet, but she usually rushes out in her crawl when she hears me call. She didn't make any noise, which worried me for a moment, until I heard her giggle a little. I walked down the hall to find this!! She had found the butt paste. Both hands were plunged deep into it, squeezing it between her hands. She was COMPLETELY covered! And COMPLETELY proud of herself. I was a little beside myself, because I had no time, and no idea how to get this stuff off!! It is very waterproof!!! I finally took a few dry towels and scraped what I could off her arms and legs and face, and it just smeared deeper into her hair. I put her in the bath and washed and washed and washed. It didn't come all out, but enough for me to get to the appointment I was headed for. She stunk like an SOS pad all day! Hahah. Little stinker.... quite literally! I should have taken a video of her, she just laughed and laughed, and took a few bites!

So so so pleased with herself! |
Maybe that a twinge of regret on her face... underneath all the butt paste?! |
I swear every time she wears this outfit she either has a blow out or something! |
I love this picture Addie drew, Originally it said I was 20 and Thomas is 60! hahahahah!!!! |
Who would have thought a boat on the grass was just as much fun as a boat in the water?! The kids are always playing in this canoe at the new house. |
She is growing up so fast! |
I think it is good luck to grab the swimmers head before they race?! Great news too! Porter will be going to the South Half Swim meet for relays. He didn't qualify for an individual swim, but he has had a great 1st year of High school swim team as a 7th grader!! And to go to South Half is a pretty big deal, I think! Go Porter! |
Ellie adores Porter! |
Oh, how this little beauty has changed our lives for the better. I can't even begin to explain just how grateful I am for the blessing of Ellie into our family. |
Eating lunch with Addie at school |
One morning Thomas opened the front door, he felt a bird flap around over his head, but then it flew out the door. When he closed the door, he notice a splash of bird poop on the wall. He wondered if maybe there was a second bird that didn't make it out. I walked into the living room and found a bird perched on the blinds. After a lot of trying to catch it and getting it down the hall, away from the vaulted ceilings, little bird was tired, and Addie was brave enough to scoop it up and take it outside, even though it was squawking at her. She washed her hands 7 times after holding it she told me! |
Addie really thrives on doing all her work and trying to be the most helpful! This is the second time she received this award, and it is kind of a big deal! Go Addie! |
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