A little bit of sick....
A dark shadow has been cast on the Cronin home...... SICKNESS. As much I have tried to protect Miss Ellie from germs by avoiding the gym, avoiding church, avoiding the outside world. It still found it's way inside! Wretched school is just a breeding ground for germs, that hop aboard my sweet wee ones, and climbs up in my house! Addie was the one who started it. Started with a cough. I was hoping it was just an allergy cough, she gets it twice a year when the weather changes and coughs every night for a month... it's lovely :( But, it is something in the air and we just can't fight it, but do our best to get it under control. Well, the weather hasn't changed yet, it is still grossly humid and hot here. But, I did my best to quarantine her. Had her sleep back in Porter's room on the top bunk. It felt like a weird call, which kid should suffer with Addie's cough at night. But, Porter, and his immune system of living half way in dirt and eating worms, I felt, could handle a cough, more than little Ellie, just new to the world and germs. And I was hoping it was just allergies, but treating it like a sickness and keeping her away from kisses and cuddles with Ellie. But then I got sick. First it was a UTI, so I got on some antibiotics. Then my throat felt sore, then my head felt like it was going to split open! Ugh, oh no! Maybe my body got the worst of it, so it could deliver some antibodies to Ellie through breastmilk?! Luckily none of us had fever. But Ellie had some green mucous one day when we had to suction her for her reflux episodes (we will go over those further on in the post), so that got me very worried.
We had her 4 month check up and she weighs 12 lbs 7 oz.
She is the cutest little chunk you have ever seen! That double chin is to die for! She is growing well and has amazingly avoided the sickness that has been sneaking through the house. I will take her next week for her immunizations. Then, I feel, we should be able to start joining the world. Maybe go to church. Start trying to get back to our normal life with our special new addition. I have kept her pretty hidden from the world, to protect her. With her 4 mo immunizations under her belt, I think I can relax a little. We are going to try to get her the RSV shot, that she will get monthly, to help prevent the dreaded RSV, it is called synagis. Hopefully with that, we should be able to combat RSV and make it to spring clear of it!
Reflux and my Son, the hero
So, as we have been home and apnea and brady cardia spells have somewhat become a thing of the past, a new ugly demon has reared it's head.... reflux. One morning when my mom was still here, I had heard Ellie waking up from a nap. When I went in to see her, she was lying in bed with a panic stricken look on her face. She was squirming, her eyes wide open, and spit up from her nose and mouth. She was struggling to breathe, gasping and swallowing. I hurried and picked her up. Instinct had me find the blue suction bulb. I suctioned out her nose, and thickish milky mucous came out. I suctioned her mouth. It took a while for her to calm down and breathe normally. It was stressful. It was the first time I had seen it. But it worried me, she was in so much distress! What if this happened during the night?! Her monitor wouldn't alarm unless her heart rate was below 60 bpm or higher than 200 bpm. But she would just be stressing out all on her own. That made me sad to think about. I hoped it would be the only time. But it wasn't. We were entering into...the Reflux zone. When it happened again, I called the doctor. Since she was able to recover, somewhat on her own, and sounded normal after the episode, she didn't need to come in. I never had a child with reflux before, so this was new.... scary territory. They prescribed Zantac. So... maybe after all, she did have reflux, or a silent reflux in the hospital. But I was in it now, and we were going to face it.
I had laid Ellie down for a nap and was trying to get the piling dishes done and get some loads of laundry started. Addie went to look at Ellie sleeping, and said "Mom, she spit up" I wasn't too worried and tried to finish what I was doing. Porter then yelled "She's choking!!" I ran down the hall, and grabbed her out of her brothers arms as he was sitting her up trying to help her, and grabbed the bulb and suctioned her out. All of us were a little shaken. She caught her breath finally. And I just worried, how can I watch her every second? A girl has got to shower and go to the bathroom. I would need to carry her in a sling forever. The Dr's office said it would take a week for the zantac to kick in. I was impressed by my kids quick thinking, and I won't ever take any warning of spit up not serious, again.

My heart I felt so much pride for Porter and his fast acting actions. I felt like I wasn't alone in this struggle. I had some help! We buckled her back in when we felt she was over it. And I told him how thankful I was for helping me, and staying calm. He had a little satisfied smile on his face. He has such a special love for Ellie. I wish that love would open up more and include a little more of Addie in it too. But, he definitely has the big brother instinct to take care of and protect his little little sister. Later that day, I showed him how to use the suction bulb, just in case it happened again.

Funny Addie
Addie says the cutest things.....
Addie advice for today: "Find a nicer way to say things."
Yesterday, as we were dropping Porter off to scouts, the nursing home next to the Church was announcing things over the intercom, where we could hear it.
Addie: Mommy, what is that place called again?
Me: A nursing home.
Addie: oh yeah, a nursing home is a place where people get ready for heaven, right?
Me: (muffled chuckle) Well, yeah, I guess you could say that.
Addie: Well that is a nicer way to say it.
Me: To say what?
Addie: you know?! I shouldn't say it, but.... (Almost inaudible) dead. Saying 'going to heaven' is much nicer!
Me: (holding it in) Yes, Addie, you are totally right!
Addie: Mommy, what is that place called again?
Me: A nursing home.
Addie: oh yeah, a nursing home is a place where people get ready for heaven, right?
Me: (muffled chuckle) Well, yeah, I guess you could say that.
Addie: Well that is a nicer way to say it.
Me: To say what?
Addie: you know?! I shouldn't say it, but.... (Almost inaudible) dead. Saying 'going to heaven' is much nicer!
Me: (holding it in) Yes, Addie, you are totally right!
Love that girl!
She is! |
Some Recent Happenings thru pics....
she is growing so fast! |
Waiting in long car rider lines, that don't move for daaaays. |
Girls got some cleavage! |
Porter started Makos. Watch out Michael Phelps! |
Ellie watched him swim for a little bit |
quite! |
Our Relief Society Bake off was a success! Lots of yummy food from amazing cooks! |
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Repping her cool new pants from Canaan! |
Getting excited to meet baby Enzo! |
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Estefany's baby shower! |
Addie has been desperate to pick her up, I finally relented. She was doing it without me knowing until I caught her! She's such a Mama! I figured she could WITH supervision! |
Ellie is not so sure of this. |
Maybe the beginning of legit Smiles....
So her corrected age is about 6 weeks, so that means we should be having more smiles. She did one for me one morning, before I grabbed my phone to capture it. I videoed a little of it. Ellie is quite totally committed to the smile thing, but we are getting there!!!
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