Week 6
*June 8, 2016 Weight 1.737 Kg
5 weeks old!! You grow girl! You have been in the hospital long enough that I need to buy a new parking pass. You dropped a few grams, but you have been gaining so good lately, we will let this slide. They upped your feedings to 37 cc. But they also upped your oxygen to 2.5 liters at 30%. You just have a liking to your oxygen! There isn't a huge rush, but we do want you home.
Today I didn't feel awesome. Maybe it is stress, over exerting myself, running myself ragged, or I was getting sick. Either way, I didn't want to chance it, so I didn't hold you to be safe.... which stunk! I love our kangaroo care. You were so cute with your chin forming into two.
I stuck your little binky in your mouth and you just suckled it so sweetly! I even took a little video of you doing it because it was so precious to me! And all my pumping is paying of, I am creating some milk! Not very much, but I am counting all our victories!
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This is the little chart that is taped to your monitor, today is the first day it said Cronin, and it made me smile. I still have moments when all of this doesn't seem like it could possibly be real! |
Sleeping Beauty |
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Sucking on your Pacifier like a champ! |
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The coloring looks a little weird, because the lights were off. They cycle the lights for you sweet little ones, so you aren't constantly under fluorescent lights! |
It's a little, but it is a start! |
yep, i measured it. |
*June 9, 2016 Weight 1.779 Kg (just about 3 lbs 15 oz)
2.5 Liters at 21%. So, huge thing I forgot to mention yesterday. The nurse mentioned that the doctors had thought a possible cause for your A & B spells, reflux. So, yesterday they decided to start you on Zantac twice a day, to see if it would help. They knew there was no risk in trying, and at least they were being proactive, right??! Well, since then you haven't had any spells, they were able to lower you to 21% from 30%!!!! GREAT! Maybe that was what was attributing to all that stuff! They also inclined your bed, so your head is above your body.
Today's kangaroo care was great! You were very alert. You had no spells. You were so alert and looking around, looking at me. You were a whole new baby today. You could tell you were feeling better, feeling good. You fell into a sweet dreamy sleep! It was very peaceful, for both of us! Maybe we are on the up and up, and all you will need to do is just grow and breathe! Love you sweet girl!
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Your back is filling out! |
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Look at that beautifully chubby chin! |
*June 10, 2016 Weight 1.878 Kg
Uh, did you see your weight up there?! Do you know what that calculates to??? 4 lbs 2 oz! Like a champ! Look at you grow! You are down to 1.5 Liters at 21%.
But the most awesome thing was, when I walked into the hospital today, you were DRINKING from a BOTTLE!!! What in the what?! I hurried over, and they told me it was your first bottle, and did I want to feed you. Did I want to?! I shoved that nurse out of the way and started feeding you! (Not really shove, but excitedly accepted!) You were so wide awake, and so curious about what in the world was this amazing deliciousness in your mouth, and why in the world was it so hard to get it! But you were a trooper and worked at it so hard and finished the whole bottle! You finished with a big burp. You were so incredibly exhausted afterwards. We did kangaroo care and you just slept and slept. Your A & B spells are very very few. It is much easier to relax with all these elements. Maybe it was reflux after all. But to see you thriving just makes my heart beam!
We are just so in love with you and your sweet self! My little fighter, my little champ, my little princess, my little Ellie!
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What a champ! I am so in love with your pudgy chin. You little chin reminds me of a nutcracker mouth! You are growing so much! 4 lbs 2 oz! |
Yep, I kept the bottle! It's like a victory trophy! |
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After Kangaroo care, ready to rest! I love when you are awake and alert! |
*June 11, 2016 Weight 1.896 Kg ( 4 lbs 2.9 oz)
Days of days, wonders of wonders! You are down to 1 liter at 21%. I came in today and was able to feed you your second bottle of all time! Aunt Adi was here as well to see you. Again, you were so alert and ready to try. You worked so hard at it. Ate and ate, you really have gotten the hang of it, this being your second bottle and all! You started to tucker out, and so we stopped to burp you. I had thought the nurse had only put 37 mL in, and there were 15 left.... however, she had put 60 mL in, meaning you drank 45 mL! What a gal! And what a solid burp you had afterwards! You were so stuffed! But you stayed alert the whole time we were there, which was at least 1 1/2 hours. You are growing and changing so much! You have such a desire to thrive!
They mentioned you had three spells last night.... I was hoping we were over those. But you are still growing and trying! I am hoping those will be a thing of the past soon! I must still be patient! You are only 34.5 weeks your gestational age, so, you still have time to grow!
We both had an extra treat today! Daddy and I went out on a date and went to visit you again! Daddy was able to give you your third bottle! He was so proud! You worked hard at it, but we know you are so exhausted by it! But you drank 32 mL. The nurses are so impressed by your progress! You have set the golden standard! You are doing so well, they might just bump you up to 2 bottles a day and 1 at night! Such growth. You never cease to amaze me! I can't wait to see the person you will become, such a fighting, strong and determined spirit! Love you sweet girl!
I am so amazed by your progress this week! Look at you! |
You were so full! |
You look like a little doll! |
*June 12, 2016 Weight 1.924 Kg ( 4lbs 3.7oz)
Look at you girl, climbing that weight chart! You did so good at bottles that they decided to give you a bottle every other feeding! That is a huge deal! You are still on the high flow oxygen, 1.0 Liters at 21%. They upped your feedings to 39 ccs by tube, and whatever you will take by the bottle. The nurse said you took 45 mL, and could have probably taken more. You may not quite have the "I'm full" button yet! ;) They aren't quite ready to lower you to low flow, because they don't want to do too many things too fast. Your A & B spells still occur, but not near as frequent. The Nurse Practitioner called and said they changed your eye exam to Tuesday, instead of tomorrow. The eye exam can cause a lot of stress to you. I hope and pray you will tolerate it well!
Today was Sunday, so I had several meetings before church, and then church itself. We ate lunch at Meme's and I rushed to the hospital to get there before quiet time. Unfortunately, the nurse didn't time the feedings right, and I didn't get to feed you by the bottle. But I was able to do kangaroo care, and it was good. My undershirt was a little tight, which made it not super comfortable, since you are getting so big! Ha! But it was still nice. You groaned and moaned a little in your sleep. The bottle feedings must be tuckering you out, because I didn't catch you much with your eyes open during my visit.
You are constantly in my prayers, and many many other people's prayers. I am in constant awe of the miracle of you. I am overflowing and overwhelmed with gratitude for my Heavenly Father, and all the blessings he saw fit to bless us with. He truly sent us one of his special angels! That makes three! I must have done something right in heaven! I love you Miss Ellie!
I love to see you sleeping peacefully |
You are changing and growing every day, becoming more and more beautiful! |
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You were fussing here. I think maybe a little gas was hurting you belly. |
*June 13, 2016 Weight 1.933 Kg ( 4 lbs 4 oz)
Big big day today girl! I walked in and looked in your isolette, and what did I see?!?! Look for yourself! What is different in this picture????
What is different?? |
So what looks different in the picture? Do you have a guess? Don't read ahead....
NO oxygen! They decided to do a 'room air trial' today! And look at you! They had started it about an hour before I came. And you had tolerated it very well. I was just so happy to see all of your face! It has been nearly 6 weeks that you have been alive, and for all of that, some part of your face was hidden with tubes, or stickers , or some kind of gadget. Given, you still have your feeding tube taped to one side of your face, but still! This is a wonderful graduation day for you!
Aww, what a beauty! |
You drank it up, certified Sarrah Cronin milk! Your brother and sister got that stuff and turned out pretty great! It wasn't enough to fill you up, so I also fed you some formula. You had a nasty spell in between bottles. But they expected that, since you are on your room air trial. We had to put the oxygen prongs back in your nose or a minute or two, and you came right back it. It was a scary one though, got me stressing. But I fed you the second bottle, and burped you, and you maintained your SATs very well. We had time to do Kangaroo care as well, and you were so totally exhausted from eating that you slept like a rock. They are feeding you bottles ever other feeding! You are breathing room air! Girl, you are amazing! A fighter, a champ! It is amazing how much love I have for you, it is overflowing.... like my wells soon! (I'll stop that joke here :D )
Meme came to see you this evening and the nurse let her hold you! She said she held you for about 40 minutes. You seem to find a way to crawl into everyones hearts, so instantly. You have so much family that just loves you so much! They all can't wait to meet you! Be strong my girl, and come home soon! (But not too soon! Just when those lungs are working and you stop having spells! ;) )
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After some Milk and Kangaroo care, you were a pretty happy camper! |
*June 14, 2016 Weight 2.043 Kg ( 4 lbs 7.9 oz)
Look at you big girl! Growing like a weed! Your isolette got moved closer to the window, so I was a little surprised when you weren't at your normal pod.
You had your eye exam this morning. I didn't receive a call from the Nurse Practitioner or the Doctor, and around here, no news is good news! The nurse mentioned that you had tolerated it well, you didn't have any spells since she got there at 11:00 am. The night nurse said you had one spell at 9:00 pm last night, but hadn't had any since then. Your poor little eyes were still dilated when I got there. You are still on room air, and haven't been on the oxygen since yesterday!
Today was exciting because I got to give you your first bath!! Tomorrow you are six weeks old, but haven't had a bath! You were pretty ripe ;) First I did Kangaroo care with you, then I fed you your bottle. You had a little bit of a spell, but recovered quickly. You drank 41 mL, you always drink pretty good for Mama! After you ate, you were pretty alert. I could tell your little eyes were sensitive to the light, so I tried turn you away from the window. We put you into your isolette and got some warm water and gave you a little sponge bath. You didn't cry, I think you kind of liked it. You always have a concentrated look on your face when you experience new things, like baths and bottles. You precious hair was able to part to the side. I bet it felt good to bath and be all clean. I fit a lot of things into that two hours.
Your little neighbor, she makes me sad. First her family was no where to be seen, and wouldn't return phone calls. The nurses have told me plenty of babies are abandoned in the NICU. My heart just broke! These little warriors, fighting their hardest battle, and are left alone to do it themselves. Well, her parents came today, and she was being discharged. She is the most beautiful little girl, but she has neurological problems. As I held you today, I heard the Neurologist try to break the news that baby girl over there, part of her brain isn't working, the part of the brain that makes you a person. She has the "function" part of her brain, to tell her body to breathe, eat, blink, heart beat. But the other part, that makes you think and feel and be who you are, was damaged. How do you take that kind of news? They were real calm, I am not sure they understood. My heart broke for them, and for that baby. I hope they will love her regardless, and do what they need to. Her life expectancy was maybe 15 years. I sat in sorrow for them, and held you closer. Miss Ellie Jane, I will love you forever, come what may. You were sent to us from Heavenly Father, there was a bit of a detour, but you got to us. Your Birth Mother, I haven't spoken here a lot about, but she is amazing and she loves you so much. She is a very big part of your story. I will never be able to fully express to her the gratitude I have for the eternal gift she gave to our family. You will always be loved and cherished, no matter what!
There was talk of you graduating the NICU floor and go upstairs to the less intensive care unit. That is great news that you are doing so well for that to be spoken of during rounds. But I have become friends with so many of the nurses, and I know that you are in such great care with them, that it kind of made me a little sad. But it is a huge triumph that you may be home sooner than later.
Love you sweet Ellie Jane!
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We brought some cookies for all the awesome people that help you grow! |
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The picture is bad coloring, I promise you look good and pink! |
It's hard to want to wake you when you sleep so deep like this! |
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Thinking about your bath |
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You can see your dilated eyes here. But you are feeling pretty fresh after your bath! |
so concentrated! |
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Fresh and clean! |
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