I have to apologize to my faithful readers, all 3 of you! Life has happened! We have been trying to get into routine, and I guess that doesn't include a lot of extra time for blogging. But I want to keep it up! I have been a terrible journal writer my whole life, and this at least has helped me keep a record of our life happenings. Even if it is just through more pictures than words today. Ellie has been sleeping pretty awesomely! If awesomely is a word! She usually goes down at 10 or 11 and has been getting up when I wake up to get the kiddos up, around 5:45. That is a great stretch of sleep. Of course this doesn't happen every night, but it has been pretty regular!
Ellie also had an appointment with the Ped GI doctor. She continues to have her choking spit up episodes, not near as frequent as before. The GI doctor was impressed by her weight gain. She is currently 15 lbs 5 oz, she is in the 56th percentile for her weight. Not bad! Her height on the other hand is only 22 inches. She is in the less than 5 percentile there. I believe that was how long porter was when he was born?! I am sure she will catch up! She might just be our little butterball for a little while longer! She will be super active, I can tell. She loves to be in the action of everything. She is great at tracking things with her eyes. Although she hates tummy time, she is good at lifting her head. She loves to lay on her back and kick her legs and swat at things with her hands. She focuses well. She still is a little picky about when she smiles, but when she does smile at you, she will melt you. Ellie does really well with the busy schedule of her siblings. We are running back and forth from schools and swim team and piano lessons and scouts. She gets a little annoyed being in her car seat, so I do my best to keep her out of it as much as I can. She is cooing now, it is precious. She makes the sweetest of noises.

Getting ready for Fall! |
Isn't she precious! |
Addie prepared the lesson for Family Home Evening.
She is so cute! |
Ellie is so sweet when she sleeps! like a little angel |
I remember the Primary song.... "when I grow up, I want to be a Mother, and have a family, one little, two little, three little babies of my own!" And here they are! They all wanted to be swaddled up like Ellie. My three burritos! |
I hope my next entry will be longer and more in depth. I am just trying to get back to normal, and figure out our routine! And I will do my best to make time for the blog!
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