Sunday, December 18, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I only assume things are going to get busier.  Christmastime is always so busy.  From Christmas parties, to field trips, to family time.  We also had a nasty stomach bug find it's way into our home.  It started with Porter.  I have never had to clean vomit from the wall, the carpet, the hallway and all over the toilet before?!  The next morning I woke up feeling unsure if I felt sick or not.  I went to the gym to teach my class, and try to sweat it out.... it didn't work.  I felt pretty bad, and fevered, amongst other things, the rest of the day.  Then Addie got it, kind of.  Then it seemed to leave. But then Addie got it again?! And then Thomas.  Miss Ellie started having diarrhea a week ago.  I figured it was her version of the stomach bug.  But it lingered and lingered, and I could not keep it from rashing up her bottom. After a few days, and it continuing I called the doctor.  If it is a virus, I would just have to wait it out, so that was what I was trying to do.  However, we have big plans to go to Utah during the holidays, so if it was something else, I needed it taken care of.  She had been acting perfectly fine, no fever or anything.  She was eating like she should.  The doctor tested her poop. It was negative for the rotavirus, which I thought it might be.  And they tested it for some other things, all negative.  So, we just have to wait it out.  It has been a week, and it seems to be dying down.  She was a little grumpy today, and kind of had a runny nose..... ugh! Please no round two of bronchiolitis!  Please no!  I just want to get to Utah and be healthy!

  I am super excited to head to Utah.  We leave on Christmas Eve day.... we are flying American... I am so scared it is going to get delayed.  My friend tried to leave yesterday and her flight was cancelled and rescheduled for today.  We have had so much trouble flying American, this has to be the last time we fly with them!  They stink!  I just hope we get there in time for Christmas.  Luckily we did plan ahead, and submitted a special request to Santa to come early here for Christmas.  I knew it could be a long shot, but he approved it!  So, December 22 Santa will come during the night and we will wake up early to Christmas on the 23rd!  One year we had Christmas in Utah, and boxed all the gifts up and mailed them off before we left.  I had never had trouble with the mail before, so we sent it snail mail, Parcel Post, and figured it would arrive a week or 2 later.  We mailed 2 big boxes.  They never arrived.  It was heart breaking for Porter, and infuriating to me!  Plus it was full of British candy that I was so disappointed to lose! ha!  So, we are truly grateful for Santa to help us out and come early.

Addie wants a Rock star guitar (an electric guitar) and surprises.  She has wanted a guitar for a couple of years now, so, Santa is relenting.  I think Santa plans to bring her a microphone and a mirror, so she can view herself singing and rocking out.

Porter is wanting a Drone.... he already has one, but he wants one with a better camera, and all the bells and whistles. He also wants rope?! ha.  A fire starter, switch blade and surprises.  He has all sorts of survival gear.  He is either making plans to run away, or he is a serial killer! hahah!  He is funny. He loves all the kind of stuff Bear Grylls has. He is my little survival man.  He likes to be outside exploring and making things, and cutting down trees?!

Ellie is mostly going to receive clothes and necessary items.  Winters in Utah are cold and we need some cold gear.  She also needs a high chair.  I am sure Santa will throw in a few fun toys!

I have been busy sending out our Christmas cards.  I have a ton, so if you want one, let me know!!  I had been thinking a lot about Ellie's birthmom.  We never really set any kind of "rules" on our contact.  I didn't want to overstep anything, but I did want to send at least a Christmas Card.  I just didn't want to do anything I shouldn't?!  But, I do want to at least let her know I think about her and love her.  Hopefully she will read this?!  I want to respect her wishes.  At least with this blog she can read it, if she wants to.... and if she doesn't, she doesn't have to.  I wonder if she is still healing and hurting from this.  Or if she has moved on and doing ok.  She is always in my heart and prayers.  And I wish her and her family a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

I probably won't update the blog until we get back from our trip to Utah.  And when Ellie is sealed to our family for time and all eternity!  I am so excited!  December 30th will be my Christmas gift this year!

Ellie loathes tummy time!  But the follow up appointment from
the hospital says we need to do more of it for her back strength.

I still can't believe how fast time has flown by.

We won an awesome prize at a raffle!  Can't wait
to cook up some yummy food on this!

This year, the first presents under the Christmas tree were for Jesus.
We all wrote something that we were going to give to Jesus this year. Mostly
had to do with patience (ha, me), no more whining, being nicer etc.
Trying to help the kids remember the real reason for the season

I was trying on her blessing dress to see if it would still fit for her sealing.
This girl is 19.2 lbs!!!  It's a wee bit tight!

My sister had her baby....Emersyn!
Ellie will have a cousin her age!
 Actually 3... Emersyn, and then two of my sister-in-law are having babies!

She sleeps so peacefully.

I don't know why this Eye Screening of Addie tickled me so much.... she just looked terrified

Isn't she just a doll?!!

Porter is such a kind big brother.... to her, To Addie, not so much! ha

She is such a light!

"Be a dear and fetch my ring"

Addie used to wear this hat! awww!

 Her laughter will melt your heart!  This is the first time she has laughed like this, and I got it on tape!!

Monday, December 5, 2016

All the stockings were hung by the chimney with care.....

    Years ago, when I bought stockings for our family, it was an after Christmas sale.  I bought 4. Addie was still a baby.  I didn't know what the future held for us in family size.  But as I was buying the stocking hangers, the snowflakes, I bought 5.  I wasn't sure if I would ever find another one if our family grew, stocking holders aren't that important, but I wanted them to match.  
     As the years passed, and after all the trouble I had after Addie's birth, opening the Christmas box to hang stockings was always there.  That single Snowflake stocking holder, still in it's original packaging, always a little reminder.... we weren't complete.  After the recent miscarriage a few years back in November, opening that Christmas box stung even more so.  That stocking holder, staring up at me from the bottom of the box.  Would it ever find it's place on our mantle?!
   This year, as I opened our Christmas box, the realization of all that has occurred in our family this year hit me.  I fought back the tears, as I quietly opened the packaging and rescued that little snowflake from it's box. I wiped off the dust that had accumulated over the years of being nestled and deeply surrounded by other decorations that made their way in and out.  As, Porter and Addie and Thomas worked on decorating the tree, I took a moment to place each stocking holder on the mantle, carefully placing each one evenly.  And finally it made it's first appearance on the very end, such a special reminder of the greatest gift that we have received all year, of the addition of little Ellie to our family.  We have her stocking that says "Baby's First Christmas".  Maybe after Christmas I will find another stocking on sale, to match the ones we already have.  And maybe, just maybe I could find another snowflake stocking holder.... that one is left up to Heavenly Father.  But, I can say at this moment in time, my joy is full!

  So December is in full swing. We have already had a Christmas Party, and have another one next week.  We are working hard to really help focus on Christ this Christmas.  The Church came out with a wonderful way to have an advent calendar, with much more meaningful things than a little piece of chocolate.  #Lighttheworld   We are doing our best to have a Christ centered Christmas this year.  And the best present of all will happen December 30th, when Ellie is sealed to us for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple.  I am so excited that Porter and Addie will be able to attend that special ordinance!  They will actually remember that day.  My hope is that we will do everything in our power to make that day so special.  A tender moment that will strengthen our family eternally.
Addie, six years ago

Ellie in the same dress!

The girls on Thanksgiving Day

Addie and her friend Emery.  "I love make up Emery, it's a part of life." 

Some pics of what I made for Thanksgiving

This girl!

Ellie has a blow out problem! Almost every time
she sits in her bumbo... this happens

Addie had a little fistula on her gums. So I knew she had an infected tooth.  We took her in to the dentist, and they decided to take both teeth out, just mostly out of convenience.  Now she can truthfully sing the song "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"  Except she told me that isn't really what she wants

I love Addie's artwork and I love her heartfelt words!

She was excited to talk to santa!

I got an early Christmas present.... a camera! so hopefully my pictures will be higher quality than my phone pics

Decorating the tree!

Addie loves to read, and having a captive audience to listen is the best!

Last week Ellie went in for her follow up check with the hospital.  She weighed in at 18 lbs 1 oz!  And they want her back on the high calorie formula?!?!!!!  They said it provides way more nutrients than the regular formula.  But it gives her terribly painful and stinky gas!  Ugh. I wish there was an easier way.  They checked her development and asked a lot of questions.  They were impressed by her. She doesn't have that "preemie Look" anymore.  Her big cheeks and nice rounded head is looking great.  Although she hates her tummy time, they want more of it, so we will, even though it makes her angry. She is measuring well, in weight, height (though she is short), and her head.  They are pleased with her progress.  They did a little OT, to see how she did.  She was a little sleepy at that point, but still scored well. The test itself is funny.  Showing her a ring, see if she reaches. Show her blocks. Ring a bell, crinkle paper.  I totally get it, but it just seemed funny that this test, the Bayley test, was a real thing.  They felt she was emerging and that wouldn't require extra OT.  All in all it was a good check up. We go back in 3 months. Hopefully they will reconsider the high calorie formula, although I do adore her chubs!  It seems to give her that gas, and it is not a pleasant smell.  And her poops are a disturbing green.  But for the sake of her brain health and body health, we will do it!

We are excited for Christmas to come. Excited to go home and see the snow. Excited to be sealed as a family.  We have been working hard on centering our Christmas on the Savior and tonight we had Family Home Evening and watched a video on the Mormon Channel.  It was about a little Christmas pageant on what we can give Jesus for Christmas. So we all talked about one thing we could give Jesus this year, stuff like, "Be nicer to Addie" (Porter's), "help others", "be more patient" etc.... we wrapped up a box and put those gifts under the Christmas tree, and labeled them to Jesus.  We are trying!  It is hard to remember what it's all about sometimes, and these little reminders I hope will help!